Yarach products for education
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For education

Yarach products for education

Everything for a comfortable and comfortable education. Platform for teachers, tutors and schools with lessons, homework, video meetings, chat rooms, electronic diary and more, a website builder and marketing platform

Yarach Learning

Teach or study on the new educational platform. Here is everything you need for interactive and comfortable learning:

  • Lessons and home tasks
  • Video meetings
  • Chats in lessons
  • E-school journal
  • Receive payments
  • Visits and views statistics
  • Students database
  • AI inside the classroom

Yarach Sites

Create a website of a dream in a convenient visual website builder without programmers. It helps in attracting new students for tutors or online schools.

And thanks to the blog on the site you can show your expertise.

Everything you need for your site in one solution:

  • Free domain
  • Site protection and free SSL-certificate
  • Convenient payment reception with detailed statistics and payment form settings
  • Analytics and online chat services
  • Blog on your website
  • monetization of website
  • AI in website builder

Yarach Business

Advertise your business online. Thousands of Yarach users will know you.

Additionally, we offer a 5000 ruble bonus for each replenishment of the advertising account in the amount of 7000 rubles

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